like a monk

In these days of quarantine, many of us are trying to make sense of the self-denial our quarantined lives require.  For most of us, living a life of self-denial is somewhat unfamiliar territory.  We are a people of hugs and high-fives and celebrations and the regular lives that until just a few weeks ago we used to […]

Urbi et Orbi

In Pope Francis’ Urbi et Orbi prayers on Friday, he shared many profound and Insightful observations.     Using Matthew’s Gospel about the storm on the Sea of Galilee, he remarked …. “The storm exposes our vulnerability and uncovers those false and superfluous certainties around which we have constructed our daily schedules, our projects, our habits […]


What a unique and profound time we are experiencing!  It seems that, perhaps for the first time, we find millions and millions of people have collectively become more aware of a greater need than self.  I am reminded of the Psychologist Abraham Maslow – the guy who looked at the hierarchy of human needs that we […]


Many years ago, I asked a Chaplain who I worked closely with – and greatly admired – what his greatest struggle was.  His answer?   Feeling comfortable in the ambiguity of life.  I must admit to not fully appreciating the richness of his insight until I got older.   I see and sense around me a lot of anxiety related to […]