future options

Our family regularly gets together throughout the course of the year.  With our five kids and their spouses, and our 7 grandchildren from 2 months to 13 years of age, these events are the way we  celebrated family events – and sometimes just celebrate nothing other than that we are family.  Because these “FamJams” are woven into […]

joseph the worker

Today is the feast of Saint Joseph the worker.   One of the beauties of our Catholic Tradition is the value it places on work and particularly on the rights of workers – there is a rich library of Church documents and  encyclicals on this most important element of social justice.  Our bishops are outspoken in their defense […]

our friend phil

Well, it must be Deacon week in scripture!   In today’s readings we hear about Philip … one of the seven chosen in Acts 6 and known for his preaching and evangelization.   So, expanding the theme from earlier this week that we are all called to diakonia – to minister – what insights can we draw from reflecting on […]


Today’s Mass readings from the Acts of the Apostles continue to tell us about Saint Stephen – one of the first ordained  Deacons of the church.  And its first Martyr.  As I approach the 30th Anniversary of my own Ordination as a Permanent Deacon, I must admit to having a special place in my heart for Stephen.  […]


I thought over the course of the decades (ok, centuries) I have been around that I had seen many seemingly uncommon words.  But then I read a reflection by Richard Rohr OFM on Liminality, and said “Wow.  What a powerful, insightful word!”  I had never hear it before.  I suspect for many of you it is a new word […]


As many of you know, the key focus of the Permanent Diaconate is pastoral ministry.  Most of you will see Deacons in our liturgical ministry (assisting at Mass, preaching, baptisms, weddings funerals). You are unlikely to see us in our pastoral ministry –  which is often with those on the fringes of our community, on the streets, […]

an emmaus retreat

Scripture is meant not only to read, but to be experienced. Poetry, like in yesterday’s pandemering, reframes and enriches our experience of the words. But sometimes it is helpful to explore the richness of scripture with our other senses as well. The following Lectio Divina incorporates art and music as well as scripture to enter […]


It’s not the friendliest of villages, Emmaus, the people parochial, as desert people are, bound up in the herding and bartering of beasts, the vines on its terraces encumbered with thorns, the children in the market roasting a sparrow, hardly the place to expect revelation, if revelation’s the word – I leave that to you. […]


As Catholic Christians, our next major feast is Pentecost – the celebration of Gods self-revelation in the person of the Holy Spirit.  It comes 50 days after Easter and this year falls on Sunday May 31st.  I think if we are honest with ourselves, we are hoping that by that time we will be able to […]