thursday’s child

According to the rhyme, Thursday’s child has far to go. Or perhaps, far to “boldly go, where no one has gone before” …..   yes, you guessed it.  Today’s pandemering is based Star Trek – in particular the 1982 movie “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.” I chose this movie because of one particular piece of dialogue […]

wilson wednesday

Ok. I guess this is movie week in the pandemerings blog. Today, the movie is “Cast Away”.  Tom Hanks plays Chuck – the archetypal go-getter who does everything conceivable to stay in control of his life. Stranded on a beautiful deserted island, he sees the place as a prison, not a paradise. Over time, he adjusts and […]

2sday questions

I start each week not always knowing where these pandemerings will take me.  Since Monday was a movie, let me share something from another movie that touched me.  Could this perhaps be movie week at That movie is “The Bucket List” , and there is a scene in it where Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson, both […]

monday monday

Today is a Holiday Monday.  In the past, that used to mean something, but during our “time apart”, this Monday feels just like any other Monday …. another “Groundhog Day” in the midst of “Groundhog Weeks”.   Which got me to pondering the movie Groundhog Day for a few moments.   I think that the foundational message from the film is […]


Saturday mornings I preside at a Communion Service, live streamed from St. John Chrysostom Parish in Newmarket.  You can find a copy of my homily at those services in the Homilies section of my website.   Please feel free to watch the service Saturday mornings at 9am … you can watch the livestream HERE Sunday Masses are also […]

mister rogers

Back in the 1980’s, our family room looked more like a pre-school, with books and activities and toys to meet the needs of a family with five growing children.  Having time to play together, learn, enjoy and feel loved and welcomed was a big part of our way of raising children. Our house had only one […]

tunnel lights

As we edge closer and closer to Pentecost, we are seeing Ontario do some careful opening up of businesses to allow more movement by people. Hopefully soon we will be able to expand our “bubbles of safe connection” to include other family members not living with us. It will be a while yet before we […]

priceless moments

I must remember to tell you, Mila When you are older and searchingTo understand the worldOr maybe just yourself.  Of those shared morning moments When you and ISnuggled safe in sleeper and sweatsuitsat together and pondered lifeA quarantined queen and an wizened old king.  You, sleeping soundly in my armsSometimes squealing, sometimes stretching,Sucking voraciously on your sootherFor […]

one two three

It appears that one of the media themes this month revolves around our ability to create a new “normal” ….. there is a tacit understanding that we will not return to the “way things were” and hence we have an ability to really influence the “way things will be”. So how does one create a […]