seeking joy …….

The third Sunday of Advent, like each of the Sundays in Advent, has a traditional theme. This week, it is Joy.  And as we get closer and closer to Christmas, Joy seems to surround us.  It’s there in our Christmas carols, and on our cards and decorations.  Who doesn’t like to hear about joy this time of year?  As we light our candles, we can boldly proclaim our joy in our words, and in our prayers, and in our songs. Christmas is almost here, and we are joyful.

And it is easy to feel joyful in this place.  Surrounded by reminders of the season, and sitting next to like-minded people.  But, I am not so sure that Joy is the prevalent feeling outside these walls. Sometimes, I think that the world out there may put up signs that say “Joy” but create in us anything but a sense of Joy.  

Sometimes I think if you asked someone out there what they are feeling, JOY would not be the most common answer.  STRESSED would be the most common answer.  

  • Stressed because my kids are inundated with all of these “Buy Me” TV messages and pop-up ads on their tablets that are pushing this toy or that game, and I can’t possibly meet their expectations.
  • Stressed because Christmas is ten days away and I’m not ready for it – all my gifts haven’t been purchased and wrapped, my Christmas cards still haven’t been sent.
  • Stressed because I enjoy coming to Church but then realize I haven’t had time to meditate on the advent themes to prepare myself for Christ’s coming.  And then I feel Guilty.  And even more stressed.
  • Stressed because year-end is coming, and there is so much to do at work and I can’t afford to take the time off and I don’t have time for my family because I am working and driving all the time.
  • Stressed because there are difficulties cropping up in my relationship with my wife, or husband or partner, and I don’t know what to do, and all of this stress about gifts and family meals and time spent with the inlaws and the outlaws is just too much right now.

We talk about hope, and peace, and love and joy. We look for hope and peace and love and joy. We yearn for hope and peace and love and joy. But do we find it? Often, Sadly, we do not. Why is that?

Because, we are looking for Joy in all the wrong places.

We have bought into the message of our contemporary society that joy, that  happiness is somehow to be achieved by buying some thing that will give it to me.  A new phone.  A new X-Box.  A new Car.  A new Dress.  A new TV.  A brand of perfume. A clothing label. 

Really.  Do they actually think we are that stupid?

Apparently, yes.  And why?  Because, as tough as it is to admit, we are. When we feel down, when joy seems to have snuck away from us … what do we do?   We go shopping.  We seem to keep believing that some thing will help us feel better about ourself, will bring Joy back into our life.

In the final analysis, there is really only one thing that will bring you Joy. And it is not something that comes from outside you.  It is something that comes from within.

  • Joy comes from the realization that you are a beloved son of God, a beloved daughter of God.
  • Joy comes from the realization that Life extends far beyond this human experience.
  • Joy comes from the realization that we really are eternal and that the best part of our existence is yet to come.
  • Joy comes from the recognition that the creative spirit that brought about all that exists, who we call God, is connected to each one of us, right now.  right here.
  • Joy comes from the awesome insight that God became Human in the Person of Jesus, the Christ, the Messiah, so that God could reveal Godself to us in a way that we could understand. And it is this that we are celebrating each Christmas.
  • Joy comes from our faith that life transcends death, that light transcends darkness, that love transcends hatred.
  • And Joy comes from the recognition of the fact that the greatest force in the universe is the power of love.

If there is a message today from our readings, it is simply this….. 

Joy comes from recognizing that you are a beloved child of God destined to be with God in eternity.

May this Joy fill your hearts and your families in this advent season.