Who am I?

Who do you say that I am? In every age since the first followers of Jesus made their profession of faith in him, men and women of faith have had to come to terms with who Jesus is and what Jesus means to them.  Christians of every age have had to answer the question: “Who do you say I am?” and each generation […]

weeds and seeds

Jesus put before them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to someone who sowed good seed in his field; but while everybody was asleep, an enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and then went away. So when the plants came up and bore grain, then the weeds appeared as well. And the […]


Sometimes we can read into a scripture text something that is not there. It may simply be a matter of missing the significance of key words or phrases, and failing to heed their cues.  Regardless, we miss the point that the author is trying to make and substitute another lesson – one which may not be bad […]

the 99.9%

So, what will the “next normal”  look like for the Catholic Church?  Well, for the definitive word, I leave that to the Pope and the Bishops.  As a Deacon, I am in marketing, not in management! But, joking aside, perhaps this time of being apart from – distanced from – familiar ways of expressing our faith will give […]

lectio divina

Vatican II urged Catholics to return to Scripture as a way of “learning the surpassing knowledge of Jesus Christ.” There are many ways for us to contemplate scripture.  Today, we can look at one of these, called in Latin – Lectio Divina, (Holy Reading).  This method of prayer goes back to the early monastic tradition. In those […]

liturgy by the hour

As a consequence of our new ways of encountering “church” in this time of pandemic, many Catholics have been thinking about their own relationship with the church — not just the buildings, but the community, the sacraments, and the liturgies … which typically require a physical closeness that is nearly impossible right now.  For many […]


At Saint Johns we have been able to take our security feeds and use them as source for live-streaming our Mass and Communion services.  This means that though you have not been able to be in the building during Mass, you have at least been able to see familiar sights and hear familiar voices.  As you have […]

next normal

A lot of talk in the business media recently seems to be focused on what the world of business will look like in the future.  Some have taken to avoid the term “the new normal” and are calling it “the next normal”.  Yes, I recognize that much of that is to ‘brand’ their opinions to make them […]

here, I am

So, if last week was a time to let movies be the trigger for the pandemerings, then it would appear this week’s trigger is music.   Today, we move from the Beatles and Aerosmith to Catholic liturgical musician Dan Schutte, who in 1981 wrote the hymn “Here I am, Lord”.  It was based on Isaiah 6.8 and […]

dream on

Continuing on our musical theme,  I have brought to mind another song that touches me.  Today’s song is “dream on” by Aerosmith.   The lyrics begin… Every time when I look in the mirror … All these lines on my face getting clearer … The past is gone … It went by, like dusk to dawn …. Isn’t that […]